Parking – Residents
Marked allocated and unallocated (motorcycle) resident parking is intended solely for parking of residents’ vehicles that are currently registered with a state or territory authority of the Commonwealth of Australia. Allocated spaces are not to be used for storage of any material not described; unauthorised material may be removed without notice.
Under-building resident car park spaces are accessed from Tambua Street. Roller doors restrict general access to and from Tambua Street and if closed will open using the Airkey issued with your apartment. Restricted access to the resident parking area is provided through security boom/swing gates, opened using the Airkey issued with your apartment. Gates close automatically after entering or departing.
You may be entitled to one or two car park spaces, allocated according to your apartment’s lot number and title. Unauthorised trespass on another resident’s car parking space is prohibited as well as being unneighbourly. You are also required to park so that no part of your vehicle overhangs the painted lines of your car space, and hence a neighbouring lot or the common property. To facilitate safe and easy access to and from vehicles, please park centrally within your space or as common sense suggests.
A number of motorcycle spaces are also marked within the secure residents’ parking area. These spaces are not allocated to a particular unit, are available to residents with motorcycles on a first come first serve basis and cannot be claimed exclusively. If you depart temporarily and find that the space has been subsequently occupied on your return by another resident’s motorcycle, you will need to make other arrangements for the parking of your motorcycle.
Vehicles must not be parked at any time on common property.
Tailgating to or from the residents’ car parking area is prohibited as it allows unauthorised access and departure from the parking area and facilitates thieves.
Whilst it is possible to make arrangements to lease or lend an unused allocated car park space to a fellow resident, it is a breach of the Strata’s by-laws to lease a car park space to a non-resident. Anyone leasing a car park space to a non-resident will have their Airkey access invalidated. The Strata Plan has no responsibility for any contingent liability resulting from any sublease undertaken by a resident unless the Executive Committee is advised in writing and the lessor is advised similarly of the Executive Committee’s approval and duly signed by the Chairman and Treasurer or Secretary.