Information on the history of the site is available here. More information on the history of Pyrmont is available here.
Welcome to Reflections section of the website. New information for Reflections owners and tenants will be posted here.
Building Manager: Nick Gardner
Mobile: 0488 693 510 After hours, please call security on 02 8565 9494.
For most questions, the information applies to the whole of Jacksons Landing – please refer to the non strata pages of the website.
However, some information is different for different stratas.
Reflections has a limited number of visitor car parking spaces provided for the use of visitors and non residents.
Application for use of a visitor car park space is to be made to the RSM by you or a person authorised by an apartment resident. In the absence of the RSM, see the on-duty security staff.
A key to the space’s allocated bollard will be issued by the RSM or security staff member. After the visitor leaves, the bollard must be returned to the upright position and key-locked. Bollard locking prevents later unauthorised use of the space. The bollard key must then be returned to the RSM or security staff member without undue delay.
Ideally, visitor car spaces should be vacated as quickly as possible (within 4 to 8 hours). Bollard keys are provided for a maximum period of 24 hours.
If bollard keys are not returned promptly after use, considerable inconvenience is caused to other residents who may be seeking a visitor car park space.
Car park space is provided for residents.
While it is possible to make internal arrangements to lease or lend an unused car park space to a fellow resident, it is a breach of by-law to lease a car park space to a non-resident.
A heated swimming pool and a spa are located on the ground floor of Bridgeview.
These Standards must be read in conjunction with the Architectural Standards for the Community Association which can be found here.
Air-conditioning units: Window or wall-mounted units are not allowed. Air conditioning units must be installed within the designated air conditioning cupboard in each apartment
Balcony enclosures: Balcony enclosures are not allowed.
Balcony furniture: Only the following balcony furniture is allowed:
Light Fittings: The light fittings on external balconies cannot be replaced.
Real Estate Signs: Only one ‘For Sale’ or ‘For Lease’ sign is permitted per unit at any one time. This sign:
Security Grilles: Security grilles are permitted on ground floor doors and windows and shall match the colour of the door or window, and equal to ‘Crimsafe’ TM (ph) 02 9536 1555. The typical aluminium frame colour is Dulux – “Regatta White” powder coat – 73763001 Low Sheen.
Colours: Original colours are to be maintained.
Flywire screens: Flywire screens are permitted and shall match the colour of the door or window.
Window Treatment: As all window frames in this building are white, and the wall colours have pale tones, all curtains must have white backing. All blinds and timber shutters must be white.
Each strata in Jacksons Landing is bound by the Community Management Statement, and the Jacksons Landing Architectural and Landscape Standards. These documents can be found here.
There are various regulations which apply to residents of Reflections. These include:
The by-laws and other rules exist to ensure harmonious living, to protect the amenity of our building, and to allow for approval of renovations and alterations to individual properties.
References to the by-laws are made in the Living at Reflections guide for residents. A few key by-laws are as follows:
Further details and links to the original by-laws can be found here.
All owners are welcome to attend strata committee meetings as observers. Since this website is public, and agendas and minutes of meetings are restricted, owners can access these from the strata manager’s website. You will need the user name and password from the agenda or minutes of the last AGM.
For the date and time of your next strata committee meeting, contact the strata manager on 02 9267 6334.
SC members freely give of their time to ensure that the property is managed in the best interest of all of the owners. SC members are:
Leesa Bennett
Allen Blewitt (Chair)
Pat Caines
David Keetley
Graham Meyer
Jill McKeough (Secretary)
Richard Watson (Treasurer)
The Committee has a number of sub-committees which divide the work up and report recommendations to the Strata Committee for all decision making.
Building works and by-law : Allen Blewitt (convenor), Leesa Bennett, Richard Watson and David Keetley
Communications : Jill McKeough (convenor) Pat Caines, Richard Watson and Allen Blewitt
Landscaping : Leesa Bennett (convenor) and Graham Meyer
Common property
If you wish to structurally alter common property, you must first receive written approval from the Executive Committee (EC).
You are not permitted to alter, interfere with or otherwise damage or deface any structure that forms part of the common property. Common property not only includes the common areas but also all the perimeter walls, windows and doors of your apartment.
Alterations to your own apartment
If you wish to make alterations to your own property, you will need to complete a form (Application for Carrying out Building Works) and submit this to the Building Works (BW) subcommittee of the EC with full details of the proposed works (email: You MUST obtain the EC’s written approval before you commence any work.
Download a copy of the form here.
After the BW subcommittee has assessed the application, it will forward a recommendation to proceed (or not) to EC members for formal approval. Once approval (or rejection) of the works has been obtained by a majority of the EC members, you will be informed by the Managing Agent and the approval (or rejection) will be noted in the minutes of the next EC meeting.
The EC will endeavour to provide approval as soon as possible but if the alterations are of a complex or controversial nature, additional information may be requested and further advice sought before approval can be given.
Reflections has by-laws in place which regulate changes to floor coverings and the installation of bi-fold doors to balconies. If you are considering making an alteration of this nature, please ensure that you read the relevant by-law carefully and comply with the requirements. Please note that, in particular, the Reflections by-law prohibits the installation of floor coverings which will result in excessive transmission of noise and requires reports from acoustic experts before and after installation.
Once approved, and before any renovation takes place, it would be considerate to advise neighbours of any works that may generate excessive noise.
Significant design effort and specialist materials have been incorporated into Reflections to minimise the transmission of sound between apartments. Even experienced tradespeople may not be aware of how easily this can be compromised. For example, drilling a single hole to hang a picture can significantly compromise the soundproofing materials sitting just behind the wall surface. If you are having even minor work done, we ask that you err on the side of caution and discuss how best to proceed with those familiar with Reflections construction by contacting our building manager.
(By Order of the Executive Committee Strata Plan SP68839)
Reflections Executive Committee has produced a booklet containing a great deal of information for residents. This booklet is regularly updated so please download your latest copy here.
The following information has been compiled to assist all residents with the effective management of their relocation into and out of Reflections (Clearwater and Bridgeview) and for the safe delivery of large articles without damage to property.
Moving forms
Click here to view Reflections Moving Procedures
Please see also the moving in or out page for general instructions.
Before the move
Under no circumstances, are household goods to be moved through any of the lobby glass entry doors nor are lift doors to be forced open.
The loading dock
The loading dock is the correct and ONLY point of entry for your large removal / delivery van to park and offload and is located adjacent to Refinery Drive. There is only one loading dock for Reflections.
Dimensions are as follows:
We recommend resident / removalist inspection of the site prior to the move and that the removalist consider use of a ferry vehicle to transport goods from the goods lift to the apartment lift which will avoid some double handling.
After the move
Responsibilities of the security guard
Role of residents
In the first instance you should advise the Security Gatehouse. Please do not discuss problems with the security guard dedicated to the move, as he/she may be new to the site and unaware of the correct operating procedures
Secondly, you may contact the RSM. A proforma can be obtained from Security to allow you to lodge a written complaint.
Please see the moving in or out page for instructions and forms.
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