
Welcome to Stonecutters’ section of the website. New information for Stonecutters’ owners and tenants will be posted here.

Strata News


There have been a number of occasions recently where items, especially lit cigarettes and water have been discarded over balconies, this has caused significant damages to items on lower levels and is also a huge safety issue. The following rules (as per bylaws) apply to balconies within Stonecutters:

  • Smoking on Balconies is not permitted
  • Nothing to be thrown over balconies
  • Water and hosing of plants/balconies tiles should not impact any other resident – ie water coming over the edge of your balcony.  Take care around the balustrades and edges.

Window Cleaning

Window cleaning is scheduled for 2-3 times a year.  Further dates for cleans TBC and are weather dependent.  Once the clean has been completed residents will be invited to provide feedback to the building manager.

Bike Audits

Bike audits are conducted from time to time for the B1 Bike room and all communal bike storage areas. During an audit, tags will be attached to all bikes in these areas. Please remove the tag attached to your bike which will identify that it belongs to a current resident. Any bikes that have a tag left on them after the audit is complete will be removed and donated to a local charity. Audits are is necessary to ensure that the communal storage facilities do not get filled up with abandoned bikes and take up valuable space. The next audit data is TBC.

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Key Contacts

Building Manager: Dean Woodbridge
Mobile: 0488 693 510 After hours, please call security on 02 8565 9494.

Amanda Lahood
02 9219 4123

Strata Committee:

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Stay in touch

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Elected at the last AGM, the current Strata Committee Members are:

  • Roslyn Forrest (Secretary)
  • Im Quah-Smith
  • Eric Hensley
  • Gary Barnier (Chairman)
  • Paul Backo
  • Robert Coulter
  • Steven Bracken
  • Con Apoifis
  • Catherine Kite

Strata Committee Members freely give their time to ensure that the property is managed in the best interest of all of the owners.

You can email the strata committee here.


All owners are welcome to attend strata committee meetings (SCM) as observers.

Since this website is public, and agendas and minutes of meetings are restricted, owners can access these from the strata manager’s website. You will need the user name and password from the agenda or minutes of the last AGM.

The SCMs will be held in The Station at 5:30 pm, four times a year, the fourth being the AGM.

Owners will be informed of these dates throughout the year by the Strata Manager.

If you need to know more, please contact the Strata Manager.


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Strata Specific Questions

For most questions, the information applies to the whole of Jacksons Landing – please refer to the non strata pages of the website.

However, some information is different for different stratas.

Email the strata committee

Visitor Parking

The visitor parking area is shared with Knox on Bowman, Sugar Dock and Silk, and is often full. Residents are not allowed to park in the visitors’ car park, even for short periods.

A system of lockable bollards in all visitor car spaces has been introduced. These are to be used only by short term visitors for continuous periods of up to eight hours.

Application for use of a visitor car space is to be made by the sponsoring resident to Security staff at the Gatehouse on Bowman Street. If a space is available, Security will issue a bollard key to the resident and record the resident’s name and contact details and the name and car registration number of the intended visitor. Immediately after the visitor’s departure (no more than 8 hours after the time of issue of the key) the bollard must be re-locked and the key returned to Security and logged off. Security will provide the Building Management committee with a periodic report of these records.

Access to the visitor parking area is via the left-hand boom gate on entering the car park. The visitor must make contact with the sponsoring resident by using the intercom panel before the right hand boom gate and the resident will then raise the boom gate and unlock the bollard at the allotted car space. On the visitor’s departure, the bollard must be re-locked and the key returned immediately to Security.

Inappropriate or careless use of the bollard system may result in one or more restrictions or penalties:
* Removal of the lock and installation of a new lock;
* An administrative fee of $120 being charged against the offending resident for costs associated with the bollard key replacement;
* A ban being imposed on the issue of bollard keys to the offender for up to 3 months.

You may be eligible for a City of Sydney visitor parking permit. This allows you to park anywhere in Pyrmont where the sign indicates – Area 20. Visit the City Of Sydney Transport & Parking page.

Resident Parking

Residents are asked to exercise care when entering the car park, so that unauthorised people do not tailgate into the car park. Only motor vehicles should be stored in car spaces.

Facilities in the building

Stonecutters and Knox on Bowman share a heated indoor pool, a small gym and a garden, all located between the buildings – ground floor level of Stonecutters, level 4 of Knox on Bowman.

Garbage collection

General waste: Monday and Thursday
Paper and cardboard: Monday
Bottles and containers: Wednesday

Using the intercom

The revised user manual for the intercom can be viewed here.

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Move in/out and general removals

Please note the process to be followed regarding all movements of household furniture and whitegoods into or out of Stonecutters.


  • A refundable deposit bond of $300 plus a $198.00/220.00 or 330.00 security fee ( if booked within 48 hours of the move) must be lodged with Resident Services Managementr (Located on 45 Bowman St.) at the time of booking a move in or a move out. This will provide the person responsible for the move with key access to lift controls. Security will provide instruction as to locking off the lift. An ad hoc guard will be in attendance dedicated to the move for 4 hours. (No bond or fee applies to a one-off furniture delivery to an existing occupant of Stonecutters).
  • Resident Services Management can be contacted Monday to Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm on 02 8565 9400. Outside of these hours, please contact the Security Supervisor on 02 8565 9494.
  • Persons carrying out a move are to arrange with The Security Gatehouse for supply and installation of protective lift covers (as per by-law).
  • A gatehouse security representative will conduct a pre and post move inspection prior to lift key hand over and return. Any damages to common property or additional cleaning requirements caused by the move will be at the resident’s expense.

Stonecutters-specific instructions for moving in and out are described in the Stonecutters moving procedures document.

Please see the moving in or out page for instructions and forms.

Access for the furniture removalist will be dependent on the size of the removalist truck. The driver should be advised to park on Tambua Street, directly opposite the Stonecutters car park entrance so the guard can manually lock open the entry boom gate to avoid any accidental damage before the vehicle
accesses the loading dock.

All cardboard waste from your move should be left flattened at the rear of the loading dock for removal.

The lift car that services Stonecutters has the approximate dimensions: 2700mm high x 1500mm wide x 1950mm deep (door 1100mm wide x 2100mm high).

The car park entry height is: 3600mm high.

The strict booking times during the peak move in period are as follows and must be adhered to. No responsibility will be taken should your removalist be running late or over time.

  • 8am – 1pm
  • 1pm – 7pm

Furniture and other large items must not be transported through the main foyer doors at any time unless sufficient notice has been given and granted from the Owners Corporation.

The deposit bond will be refunded on return of lift key. If there is no damage recorded by Gatehouse Security, the full deposit bond will be refunded. If any damage is recorded, refund of deposit bond will be withheld pending advice as to probable costs of repair/additional cleaning. The person/s requesting move will be liable for costs that may exceed the bond deposit.

Under no circumstances are lift doors to be forced open.

Large deliveries or removals
Please advise your building manager if you are planning and large deliveries or removals i.e. anything that will require 30 minutes or more loading dock use.

Please note that the KSSS truck turntable is not currently operational.

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Fire Evacuation Procedures

Stonecutters has procedures in relation to what to do in the event of a fire alarm posted in the rubbish rooms on every floor and a copy posted here for your reference.

Please see also the Stonecutters Emergency Procedure for Occupants with a Disability.

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By-Laws and Related Documents

Each strata in Jacksons Landing is bound by the Community Management Statement, and the Jacksons Landing Architectural and Landscape Standards. These documents can be found here.

In addition, Stonecutters has its own specific by-laws and standards. Click to view.

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About Stonecutters

Information on the history of the site is available here. More information on the history of Pyrmont is available here.
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Email Address


+1 888 888 8888