About Regatta Wharf
Information on the history of the site is available here. More information on the history of Pyrmont is available here.
Welcome to Regatta Wharf’s section of the website. New and emergency information for Regatta Wharf’s owners and tenants is posted here.
REGATTA WHARF INFORMATION PACK MAY 2023 – click here to download.
Members of your Strata Committee are:
- Manuela Epstein (Chair)
- Trevor Daley (Treasurer)
- Ian MacDonald (Secretary)
- Allan Davis
- Jane Kentmann
- Peter Murray
- David Parnell
- Lyn Tyson
- Philip West
Please address correspondence to the strata manager.
Information through the Strata Manager’s Portal
Owners can now access information about their levies, strata committee agendas and minutes on the Regatta Wharf online portal.
We suggest that you view the short video “What’s New” to get started. Then click the CREATE button, which will take you to the next screen.
Enter the ID and password supplied to you in the StrataMax section. You will receive an activation email to the address you have entered.
Strata Meetings
All owners are welcome to attend strata committee meetings. The chair may allow an owner to address the meeting, and may vary the order of business to enable an owner to address a particular issue. All agendas and minutes are circulated to all owners. These documents will also be accessible through the strata manager’s website. You will need the user name and password from the agenda or minutes of the last AGM. This website is public, and agendas and minutes of meetings are restricted, so the documents cannot be published on this website. The Annual General Meeting and Extraordinary General Meetings are meetings of owners, so all owners are entitled to speak on all issues. The new strata legislation allows the chair some latitude in declaring a quorum. Half an hour after the scheduled beginning of a meeting, the chair may determine that those present constitute a quorum, and proceed with the meeting. For the date and time of your next strata committee meeting, contact the strata manager on 02 8586 7822 or by email
Who should I contact
Who should I contact?
Strata-Specific Questions
For most questions, the information applies to the whole of Jacksons Landing – please refer to the general pages of the website.
However, some information is different for different stratas.
You can email the strata committee here.
Visitor Parking
The visitor parking area is often full. Residents are not allowed to park in the visitors’ car park, even for short periods, and visitors may only stay a few days. This is checked regularly by a member of the strata committee.
Resident Parking
Regatta Wharf does not have bollards to prevent people from abusing the parking provisions. Residents are asked to exercise care when entering the car park, so that unauthorised people do not tailgate into the car park. Only motor vehicles should be stored in car spaces.
5KM Speed Limit
We remind residents that a 5km speed limit applies to all vehicles within Regatta Wharf.
This speed limit applies to the driveway area, entry and exit ramps to and from the car park and all sections of the underground car park.
5km is basically a walking pace. The speed limit is to maximise pedestrian and vehicle safety, especially at the entry/exit ramps. Driving within this limit will also reduce noise levels, especially when crossing the metal grates on the ramps.
Car Wash Bays
The car wash bays have had to be secured to prevent unauthorised parking. The padlocks require the same key that unlocks the gates. Please be sure to secure the chain again after use.
Facilities in the Building
Regatta Wharf has a heated indoor pool, a spa, a sauna and a small gym, all located on the lower ground floor (Floor 1) of Eventide. Opening hours are 6am to 11pm. Only two guests per apartment are allowed in the pool.
Broken Lift
There are two lifts in each building, so this is rarely a problem. If both lifts are out of service at the same time, security (02 8565 9494) can provide access to the fire stairs. Otherwise these stairs should only be used in an emergency, as opening the door sets off an alarm that security has to respond to.
How to Keep Safe in the Dark
Car park lighting is now sensor-operated. This has achieved significant annual savings.
To ensure you are never totally in the dark, some ambient lighting is on 24/7. Should you be in the car park long enough for the lights to go out, you may need to move a small distance to reactivate the sensors, which are installed on the driveways and in the lift foyer entrances, with two additional sensors in the middle of the car park driveways on P1 and P2, and an additional sensor each in the Visitors Car park and Eventide level 1. We suggest you check out the closest sensor to your car space.
Architectural Standards
These standards must be read in conjunction with the Architectural Standards for the Community Association which can be found here.
Design Concept: Regatta Wharf was designed by John Ruble of Moore Ruble & Yudell.
Security Grilles: Security grilles are permitted on ground floor doors and windows and shall match the colour of the door or window, and equal to ‘Crimsafe’ TM (ph) 02 9536 1555.
Light Fittings: The light fittings on external balconies cannot be replaced.
Satellite Dishes: If Satellite Dishes are installed on each building, they shall be located on the LMR roof.
Real Estate Signs: Only one ‘For Sale’ or ‘For Lease’ sign is permitted in the building at any one time. This sign:
- Must not exceed 1 metre by 1 metre in size,
- Must not be attached to balconies, and
- Must be affixed to the inside of a window.
Window Treatment: As all window frames in this building are white, and the wall colours have pale tones, all curtains must have white backing. All blinds and timber shutters must be white.
Click here to download a copy of these standards.
Moving Procedures
Please note the procedures to be followed regarding all movements of household furniture and whitegoods into or out of Regatta Wharf:
- A refundable deposit bond of $300 must be lodged with Resident Services Management (located on 45 Bowman Street) at the time of booking a move in or a move out. This will provide the person responsible for the move with key access to lift controls. Security will provide instruction as to locking off the lift. The Security Gatehouse will supply and install protective lift covers (as per by-law).
- A Gatehouse Security representative will conduct a pre and post move inspection prior to lift key hand over and return. Any damages to common property or additional cleaning requirements caused by the move will be at mover’s expense.
- The loading dock has the approximate height of: 3600mm high. Lift cars in the residential building are: 2250mm high x 1200mm wide x 1960mm deep. The goods lift which services the four buildings is 2000mm high x 1100mm wide x 2300mm deep.
- The Executive Committee has resolved that the moving of furniture throughout common property is possible Monday to Saturday 7:00am to 7:30pm (no moves are permitted on Sunday).
- The Deposit Bond will be refunded on return of lift key. If there is no damage recorded by Gatehouse Security, the full deposit bond will be refunded. If any damage is recorded, refund of deposit bond will be withheld pending advice as to probable costs of repair/additional cleaning. The person/s requesting move will be liable for costs that may exceed the bond deposit.
If these conditions are not complied with, the intending mover/s’ access swipe card may be deactivated, preventing access to lifts and lift lobbies for the purpose of moving furniture.
Regatta Wharf-specific instructions for moving in and out are described in the Regatta Wharf moving procedures document.
Please see the moving in or out page for instructions and forms.
Large Deliveries or Removals
Please advise your building manager if you are planning and large deliveries or removals i.e. anything that will require 30 minutes or more.
Strata Notices, By-Laws and Registrations
Each strata in Jacksons Landing is bound by the Community Management Statement, and the Jacksons Landing Architectural and Landscape Standards. These documents can be found here.
In addition, Regatta Wharf has its own by-laws and amendments, and architectural and landscape standards.
Please Note: We are reviewing our by-laws, as required by new Strata Legislation, and discussing model by-laws issued by the Department of Fair Trading. New by-laws, and amendments to existing by-laws, will be proposed to the 2017 Annual General Meeting.
62660 Regatta Wharf Visitor Parking Policy
The visitors’ car park at Regatta Wharf is for use by short term visitors. We are fortunate in having sufficient parking that we have not needed to institute a booking system with Security, as other strata in Jacksons Landing have needed to do. It is a requirement that owners and residents do not park in the visitors car park.
The relevant by-law and definition of “short term parking” are below. If you have a genuine visitor for longer than 3 days, you can apply via the Strata Manager (Acumen) to the Strata Committee for approval, providing full details of the visitor’s car (make, colour, registration), dates applied for, plus your name and unit number. You may also consult with the Building Manager.
Should you require additional spaces for your use, we suggest you contact City of Sydney Council to see whether you are eligible for a street parking sticker for your vehicles or one day permits for visitors.
Special By Law No.30 – Visitors Car Parking
- A “Visitor” to a lot is any individual who enters Regatta Wharf with the express
purpose of attending upon one of the lots there in and the owner or occupant of that lot.
- Pursuant to the terms of the relevant development consent twenty two (22) car
parking spaces within Strata Plan 62660 are identified as Visitor Parking spaces.
- No such Visitor Parking spaces may be used by any owner or occupant of a lot or any person other than a short-term visitor to one of the lots in the strata plan.
The Strata Committee has defined the term “Short-Term Parking” as:
Visitor spaces are intended for short-term, infrequent and occasional use and hence not to be used on a regular basis unless authorised by the Strata Committee. Maximum use is up to 24 hours in any 7 day period although this may be extended up to 3 consecutive days in one month period, provided that this is not on a regular basis, unless authorised by the Strata Committee.
62660 Regatta Wharf Storage Unit Policy
(Amended 26 November 2013)
All applications to install car space storage units must comply with the conditions below, when considering lodging your application please consider these and confirm that these will be met.
a) An Owner or Occupier of a Lot must not attach any fixture (including storage units) without the prior written consent of the Owners Corporation.
b) In an application for consent (under by-law 16.2) the Owner or Occupier must satisfy the Owners Corporation that the erection of a fixture to a car space will not inhibit use of a car space by any adjoining Lot Owner or any other Owner or Occupier Lot.
c) The Owner of the Lot upon which the storage unit is installed is to indemnify the Owners of Strata Plan 62660 against all liabilities from the placement and the consent of the storage unit.
d) The storage unit is to be freestanding (that is, it must not be physically attached to a wall, floor or ceiling) and the Owner of such a Lot must be prepared to move the unit for access to Common Property at the request of the Executive Committee or Estate Management.
e) The storage unit is to be wholly within such Owners car park lot and such that no air vents, overhead fire protection spray heads are blocked.
• The storage unit must not in any way be placed in front of or overlap in any way a ventilation grill (it can only be located below or to the side of ventilation grills).
• The top of the storage unit must be at least 500mm from the bottom of all sprinkler heads
f) The storage unit must be removable.
g) Subject to approval being granted by the Executive Committee, an Owner must accept the conditions of consent in writing.
h) The Executive Committee reserves its right to request the storage unit be removed if it does not comply with the approval conditions set out in this policy or in a letter of approval.
i) the approved products for use are: 1. The Box Thing Ph: 1800 017 247 2. Accent Basement Box Ph: 9792 1000 3. Aussie Storage Solutions Ph: 1300 697 780
j) No items other than vehicles and trolleys may be kept in the car space. No items may be stored on top of the storage unit.
62660 Bike Room and Bike Registration
Regatta Wharf has a secure bike storage room for residents located on Level 1 near the pool. To utilise this room residents need to apply for a bike rack to be allocated via the bike registration scheme. A bike registration application form is available on the Owners Portal or from the building manager. Approvals will be by the Strata Committee and based on space availability.
Bike committee Terms of Reference
Bike Room Rules
Bike Registration Form
December 2018
RW Lift Update
March 2019 file not found
May 2019 file not found
July 2019 file not found
September 2019 file not found
October 2019
December 2019 file not found
March 2020
Who should I contact?
March 2020 COVID update
June 2020
October 2020
December 2020
February 2021
March 2021
June 2021
November 2021
How to Get Things Done
In the event of an emergency, contact Security – 02 8565 9494.
In a medical emergency, first call 000 for an ambulance, then phone the Security office, to let the ambulance into your premises. Security officers are employed to protect property: they do not have the resources to deal with a medical emergency.
To lodge a complaint, email the Strata Manager. The Strata Manager will bring it to the next SC meeting.
To make suggestions about the gardens, common area furniture and fixtures, email the Strata Manager, who will refer them to the House Subcommittee.
In the event of a building problem, contact the Building Manager or Resident Services Management.
For issues about levies, email the Strata Manager (not the Treasurer).
To lodge an insurance claim, email the Strata Manager. Note that the SC only insures common property. Personal property can only be insured by the owner.
To seek permission to carry out renovations, complete the application form (available from the Strata Manager) and give it to the Strata Manager, who will bring it to the next SC meeting or refer it to delegated SC members.
To install a basement shed or box, complete the application form (available from the Strata Manager) and give it to the Building Manager who will refer it to delegated SC members who have authority to approve.
To suggest amendments to our by-laws, email the Strata Manager or any member of the SC. The SC will decide what action to take.
Each apartment has an Intercom, showing an image of anyone buzzing your apartment. To admit a visitor, press the top button which will open the nearest door or barrier.
Before moving large pieces of furniture, contact Resident Services Management who will organise cladding in the relevant lift. Access is then through the Loading Dock and its lift.
Strata laws prescribe the responsibilities of Strata Managers, Building Managers, Strata Committees, and the Secretary, Treasurer and Chair. Resident Services Management has copies of a helpful plain language explanation from the Department of Fair Trading. Click here to download this document.
The Strata Committee is elected by Regatta Wharf owners at an Annual General Meeting. The AGM also appoints our Strata Manager, Building Manager and Cleaners. Security are appointed by the Jacksons Landing Community Association, a federal body managing issues common to all stratas in Jacksons Landing. To learn more, go to Community Association.
The Strata Committee (SC) meets every month or every other month. Each owner receives the agenda and minutes. Each owner is entitled to attend: the chair can invite an owner to speak, and rearrange the agenda to suit.
Various sub committees such as the garden and sustainability committees report back to the SC. Specialty sub committees are formed when capital works (such as lift or pool refurbishments) are undertaken in RW.
Strata Committee – Operating Processes and Procedures
The Regatta Wharf (RW) Strata Committee (SC) has agreed to the following processes and procedures to ensure that the committee operates in the most ethical, efficient and effective way.
Operating processes and procedures document
Garbage and E-Waste
Most garbage should be disposed of through the garbage room on each floor: larger items should be taken to the loading dock.
E-waste is also collected in the loading dock, where containers are provided for appropriate items. Signage explains what items go where: paper waste, general recycling, and e-waste (in a cage). Used batteries and mobile phones go into designated boxes. Signs are also pasted in chute rooms.
For further information, contact our building manager Jozef Seremet 0450 319 197 regattawharf@proactfm.com.au or Havencab cleaning service: Jacksonslanding@havencab.com.au
EV Survey Results March 2020
RW Electric Vehicle Survey Result March 2020
Clothing Recycling
A white clothing textiles recycling bin has been placed for your convenience in the Loading Dock.
Please do not place rubbish in this recycling bin.
The following items are accepted:
- Clothing and shoes
- Accessories eg handbags, belts, hats, scarves etc
- Manchester – towels, sheets, blankets, bedspreads.
Provided by Clothing Away