
Welcome to Distillery Hill, here you find information specifically related to Distillery Hill.

Key Contacts

Building Manager: Khaled Ahmadzai  

Mobile: 0418 504 207 After hours, please call security on 02 8565 9494

Strata Manager: Samantha Edwards
02 9236 6334
Strata Committee:

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Strata Specific Questions

For most questions, the information applies to the whole of Jacksons Landing  – please refer to the non strata pages of the website.
However, some information is different for different stratas.
You can email the strata committee here.

Residents Car Wash Bay

A car wash bay is provided for residents on the upper car park level of the resident car parking area. This bay is not for general parking.

Facilities in the building

Gym and outdoor pool facilities are located on the mezzanine level of the Distillery Tower and available for daily use by residents and a maximum of two guests per apartment between the hours of 4:00am and 9:00pm. The pool should not be used before 6:00am and noise minimised at all times to avoid disturbing nearby residents.

Persons under 15 years of age must be supervised by a responsible adult. Antisocial, loud or nuisance behaviour will not be tolerated and consumption of alcohol within the gym and pool area is not permitted. Portable music players must be used with headphones.

Please shower before using the pool and use a towel when using gym equipment where practical. Gym equipment should be wiped clean of perspiration after use. It is also expected that when leaving the gym/pool area residents and guests are dry and suitably attired.

Breakages and maintenance issues should be reported to the Executive Committee without delay.

Bicycles and bicycle storage room

A secure bicycle storage room is located on the entrance level to the Distillery Hill residential and visitor car park, and beside the recycling area. Bicycles which appear to be abandoned may be removed in order to deter the possibility of long-term unauthorised storage and to allow space for current cycling residents.

Bicycles, including children’s bicycles, should not be brought through Distillery Hill building foyers, lifts or stairwells and should be stowed in the bicycle storage room or individual storage cages.

In case of a lift breakdown

Press the button marked with a telephone receiver; this will put you through to the lift maintenance company. When they answer, respond with:

  • The location of the lift – the lift number and its address is on the name plate in the lift
  • How many people are in the lift and if anyone needs medical attention
  • Ask them the estimated time of arrival of someone to release you from the lift.

If a lift you wish to use is out of order:

  • Buzz the intercom and when Security answers, tell them the lift is out of order OR
  • Call Security on 02 8565 9494.

Garbage collection

General waste: Monday and Thursday
Paper and cardboard: Monday
All recycling: Wednesday

Air-conditioning units: Window or wall-mounted units are not allowed.
Balcony enclosures: Balcony enclosures are not allowed.
Balcony furniture: Only the following balcony furniture is allowed:

  • outdoor setting
  • BBQ
  • umbrella
  • planters/fountains

Light Fittings: The light fittings on external balconies cannot be replaced.
Window boxes: Window boxes are not allowed on external windows or balustrades.
Security Grilles: Security grilles are permitted with approval and shall match the colour of the door or window, and equal to ‘Crimsafe’ TM (ph) 02 9536 1555.
Colours: Original colours are to be maintained.
Flywire screens: Flywire screens are permitted and shall match the colour of the door or window.
Window Treatment: In general, all curtains must have white backing. All blinds and timber shutters must be white.

Click here to download a copy of these standards.

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Visitor Parking

Distillery Hill has a limited number of short-term car and motorcycle visitor parking spaces provided for use by genuine short-term visitors to Distillery Hill apartments. All spaces are accessed from the vehicle entrance level off Tambua Street. Visitor spaces are intended for short-term and intermittent use only. An eligible visitor can make use of a visitor’s parking space for no more than 24 hours at a time.

To ensure fair use generally, access to visitor car parking is restricted; application for use of a visitor car parking space is to be made by yourself or a person authorised by an apartment resident to on-duty security staff at the Gatehouse on Bowman Street. A key to your allocated parking bollard will be issued by a member of security staff. Excessive or unreasonable use beyond these guidelines is monitored.

For residents with more vehicles than they have allocated parking spaces, visit the City Of Sydney Transport & Parking page, or arrange to rent an allocated space from another resident (refer Resident Parking section for guidelines).

Special provisions may also apply during peak periods, such as New Year’s Eve, and any special conditions will be posted on this website.

Access to the parking area is via a cable barrier, which is lowered by first hailing the unit you intend to visit on the intercom system at the visitor parking entrance. The resident of the hailed unit will authorise lowering of the cable barrier from their intercom keypad. After the visitor leaves, the bollard must be returned to the upright position and locked; bollard locking prevents later unauthorised use of the space. The bollard key must then be returned to security staff without unreasonable delay.

Bollard keys are provided for a maximum period of 24 hours. If bollard keys are not returned promptly after use considerable inconvenience is caused to other residents’ visitors who may require a visitor car parking space.

Thoughtless or unfair usage of visitor car parking spaces or undue delay in returning bollard keys may result in one or more of the following restrictions and penalties:

  • A new lock being installed on the associated bollard (thereby rendering the unreturned key useless).
  • An administrative fee of $120 being charged against the offending apartment for costs associated with bollard key replacement.
  • The apartment associated with the offending bollard key holder or non-return of bollard to its upright position and locking being liable to “access denied” status for a period of three months.

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Resident Parking

Marked allocated and unallocated (motorcycle) resident parking is intended solely for parking of residents’ vehicles that are currently registered with a state or territory authority of the Commonwealth of Australia. Allocated spaces are not to be used for storage of any material not described; unauthorised material may be removed without notice.

Under-building resident car park spaces are accessed from Tambua Street. Roller doors restrict general access to and from Tambua Street and if closed will open using the Airkey issued with your apartment. Restricted access to the resident parking area is provided through security boom/swing gates, opened using the Airkey issued with your apartment. Gates close automatically after entering or departing.

You may be entitled to one or two car park spaces, allocated according to your apartment’s lot number and title. Unauthorised trespass on another resident’s car parking space is prohibited as well as being unneighbourly. You are also required to park so that no part of your vehicle overhangs the painted lines of your car space, and hence a neighbouring lot or the common property. To facilitate safe and easy access to and from vehicles, please park centrally within your space or as common sense suggests.

A number of motorcycle spaces are also marked within the secure residents’ parking area. These spaces are not allocated to a particular unit, are available to residents with motorcycles on a first come first serve basis and cannot be claimed exclusively. If you depart temporarily and find that the space has been subsequently occupied on your return by another resident’s motorcycle, you will need to make other arrangements for the parking of your motorcycle.

Vehicles must not be parked at any time on common property.

Tailgating to or from the residents’ car parking area is prohibited as it allows unauthorised access and departure from the parking area and facilitates thieves.

Whilst it is possible to make arrangements to lease or lend an unused allocated car park space to a fellow resident, it is a breach of the Strata’s by-laws to lease a car park space to a non-resident. Anyone leasing a car park space to a non-resident will have their Airkey access invalidated. The Strata Plan has no responsibility for any contingent liability resulting from any sublease undertaken by a resident unless the Executive Committee is advised in writing and the lessor is advised similarly of the Executive Committee’s approval and duly signed by the Chairman and Treasurer or Secretary.

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Move in/out and general removals

Moving in or out

Distillery-specific instructions for moving in and out are described in the Distillery moving procedures document.

Please see the moving in or out page for instructions and forms.

Large deliveries or removals
Please advise your building manager if you are planning and large deliveries or removals i.e. anything that will require 30 minutes or more loading dock use.

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Strata Committee and Meetings


Members are elected at the AGM.

You can email the strata committee here.


All owners are welcome to attend strata committee meetings (SCM) as observers.

Since this website is public, and agendas and minutes of meetings are restricted, owners can access these from the strata manager’s website. You will need the user name and password from the agenda or minutes of the last AGM.

The SCMs will be held in The Station at 5:30 pm, four times a year, the fourth being the AGM.

Owners will be informed of these dates throughout the year by the Strata Manager.

If you need to know more, please email the

You can the strata manager.

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Strata Notices and By-Laws

Each strata in Jacksons Landing is bound by the Community Management Statement and the Jacksons Landing Architectural and Landscape Standards. These can be found here.

In addition, Distillery Hill has its own specific by-laws and standards:

  • Distillery Hill By-Laws and Amendments document  SP-73528-consolidated-by-laws-as-at-November-2023.pdf not found
  • Click here for Distillery Hill Architectural  Standards

You can email the strata committee here.

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About Distillery Hill

The Distillery Hill apartment complex and associated strata plan comprises two towers, the Distillery (19 floors, to the north with yellow panelling on its northern and southern faces) and the Quarry (18 floors, to the south with a painted red-ochre southern face and distinctive green roof line), as well as the Jones Street Townhouses and Refinery Apartments on Tambua Street.

Residents are able to access both towers internally via tranquil and manicured gardens or through the resident parking area.

Construction of the Distillery Hill complex was completed in 2005 and provides spacious and comfortable 2 and 3 bedroom strata title apartments, many with close vistas of Sydney city, its delightful inner harbour and historic harbour bridge.

More information on the history of the site is available here. More information on the history of Pyrmont is available here.

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Email Address


+1 888 888 8888