Strata Notices, By-laws and Registrations

Each strata in Jacksons Landing is bound by the Community Management Statement, and the Jacksons Landing Architectural and Landscape Standards.
In addition, Regatta Wharf has its own by-laws and amendments, and architectural and landscape standards.

Please Note: We are reviewing our by-laws, as required by new Strata Legislation, and discussing model by-laws issued by the Department of Fair Trading. New by-laws, and amendments to existing by-laws, will be proposed to the 2017 Annual General Meeting.


The visitors’ car park at Regatta Wharf is for use by short term visitors. We are fortunate in having sufficient parking that we have not needed to institute a booking system with Security, as other strata in Jacksons Landing have needed to do. It is a requirement that owners and residents do not park in the visitors car park.

The relevant by-law and definition of “short term parking” are below. If you have a genuine visitor for longer than 3 days, you can apply via the Strata Manager (Acumen) to the Strata Committee for approval, providing full details of the visitor’s car (make, colour, registration), dates applied for, plus your name and unit number. You may also consult with the Building Manager.

Should you require additional spaces for your use, we suggest you  contact City of Sydney Council to see whether you are eligible for a street parking sticker for your vehicles or one day permits for visitors.

Special By Law No.30 – Visitors Car Parking

  1. A “Visitor” to a lot is any individual who enters Regatta Wharf with the express
    purpose of attending upon one of the lots there in and the owner or occupant of that lot.
    2. Pursuant to the terms of the relevant development consent twenty two (22) car
    parking spaces within Strata Plan 62660 are identified as Visitor Parking spaces.
    3. No such Visitor Parking spaces may be used by any owner or occupant of a lot or any person other than a short-term visitor to one of the lots in the strata plan.

The Strata Committee has defined the term “Short-Term Parking” as:
Visitor spaces are intended for short-term, infrequent and occasional use and hence not to be used on a regular basis unless authorised by the Strata Committee. Maximum use is up to 24 hours in any 7 day period although this may be extended up to 3 consecutive days in one month period, provided that this is not on a regular basis, unless authorised by the Strata Committee.


(Amended 26 November 2013)

All applications to install car space storage units must comply with the conditions below, when considering lodging your application please consider these and confirm that these will be met.

a) An Owner or Occupier of a Lot must not attach any fixture (including storage units) without the prior written consent of the Owners Corporation.

b) In an application for consent (under by-law 16.2) the Owner or Occupier must satisfy the Owners Corporation that the erection of a fixture to a car space will not inhibit use of a car space by any adjoining Lot Owner or any other Owner or Occupier Lot.

c) The Owner of the Lot upon which the storage unit is installed is to indemnify the Owners of Strata Plan 62660 against all liabilities from the placement and the consent of the storage unit.

d) The storage unit is to be freestanding (that is, it must not be physically attached to a wall, floor or ceiling) and the Owner of such a Lot must be prepared to move the unit for access to Common Property at the request of the Executive Committee or Estate Management.

e) The storage unit is to be wholly within such Owners car park lot and such that no air vents, overhead fire protection spray heads are blocked.

• The storage unit must not in any way be placed in front of or overlap in any way a ventilation grill (it can only be located below or to the side of ventilation grills).

• The top of the storage unit must be at least 500mm from the bottom of all sprinkler heads

f) The storage unit must be removable.

g) Subject to approval being granted by the Executive Committee, an Owner must accept the conditions of consent in writing.

h) The Executive Committee reserves its right to request the storage unit be removed if it does not comply with the approval conditions set out in this policy or in a letter of approval.

i) the approved products for use are: 1. The Box Thing Ph: 1800 017 247 2. Accent Basement Box Ph: 9792 1000 3. Aussie Storage Solutions Ph: 1300 697 780

j) No items other than vehicles  and trolleys may be kept in the car space. No items may be stored on top of the storage unit.



Regatta Wharf has a secure bike storage room for residents located on Level 1 near the pool.  To utilise this room residents need to apply for a bike rack to be allocated via the bike registration scheme. A bike registration application form is available on the Owners Portal or from the building manager. Approvals will be by the Strata Committee and based on space availability.

Bike committee Terms of Reference

Bike Room Rules 

Bike Registration Form