Visitor Parking
Silk has two visitor parking areas. One accessed from Tambua St and shared with Stonecutters and Knox on Bowman. The second can be accessed from Bowman. Visitor parking operates the same in both locations.
Residents are not allowed to park in the visitors’ car park, even for short periods.
A system of lockable bollards in all visitor car spaces ensures equitable use of this asset. These are to be used only by short term visitors for continuous periods of up to 24 hours.
Application for use of a visitor car space is to be made by the sponsoring resident to Security staff at the Gatehouse on Bowman Street. If a space is available, Security will issue a bollard key to the resident and record the resident’s name and contact details and the name and car registration number of the intended visitor. Immediately after the visitor’s departure (no more than 24 hours after the time of issue of the key) the bollard must be re-locked and the key returned to Security and logged off. Security will provide the Building Management committee with a periodic report of these records.
Access to the visitor parking area from Tambua St. is via the right-hand boom gate on entering the car park. The visitor must make contact with the sponsoring resident by using the intercom panel before the right hand boom gate and the resident will then raise the boom gate and unlock the bollard at the allotted car space. On the visitor’s departure, the bollard must be re-locked and the key returned immediately to Security.
Inappropriate or careless use of the bollard system may result in one or more restrictions or penalties:
* Removal of the lock and installation of a new lock;
* An administrative fee of $120 being charged against the offending resident for costs associated with the bollard key replacement;
* A ban being imposed on the issue of bollard keys to the offender for up to 3 months.
You can download a full copy of the Silk Visitor Parking Policy Feb 2014