Strata Notices and By-Laws
Each strata in Jacksons Landing is bound by the Community Management Statement, and the Jacksons Landing Architectural and Landscape Standards. In addition, Mount Street Walk Terraces have their own by-laws and architectural standards.
However, 1.1(h) of the strata plan's architectural standards conflicts with the Community Management Statement, which states that "No party, including an Owner or Occupier, can place signs on any part of the Community Parcel advertising a Lot for lease or sale" (24.6). The Community Parcel is defined as all the land in the Community Scheme (ie the whole of Jacksons Landing).
The Community Management Statement also states that "If there is a conflict between the Architectural Standards or Landscape Standards as prescribed by a Subsidiary Body and the Architectural Standards or Landscape Standards as prescribed by the Community Association, the Architectural Standards and Landscape Standards of the Community Association prevail" (1.5).
This conflict has just been brought to the attention of the Community Association Executive Committee, who confirmed at the meeting of 11 August 2016 that the Community Management Statement takes precedence over architectural standard 1.1(h) of Mount Street Walk Terraces.