Sugar Dock

Welcome to Sugar Dock

Be informed, stay connected:

Newcomer essentials: Residents welcome / amenities guide.

More comprehensive: Living at Sugar Dock residents guide.

Full by-laws and related documents.

Sugar Dock Facebook group.

Jacksons Landing Facebook group for broader community topics.

Sugar Dock and COVID-19

Key messages

Detailed COVID 19 information document (Updated 26 March 2020).

Public-health best-practice guidelines starting with Department of Health.

What you should know

Residents and owners in Sugar Dock will enjoy many of the same benefits and have similar responsibilities to living in any other community. However the list below highlights a number of key things that may be unique to us, or that you should be particularly aware of:

 - Moving in and moving out procedure that must be followed.

​ - Sugar Dock is pet-friendly, but permission is required in advance, and there is a strict code of conduct. (Pet application form)

​ - Smoking is prohibited in all common areas and on all balconies.

 - The building is built to a high standard, and sound transmission between neighbouring apartments is minimal, but this also means that installation of new flooring must meet a high standard. If you plan to install new floor covering, you need to get permission in advance (Flooring application form). In your request you must indicate that you fully understand your obligations, and you are willing to comply with them. In particular you should refer to by-law 3, and the relevant standard: AAAC Guideline for Apartment and Townhouse Acoustic Rating 2010.

 - We have ample visitor parking, but to ensure this amenity is not abused we have a strict visitor parking policy. (Details)

 - Everyone should be familiar with the building evacuation plan and how fire alarm escalation works. (Details)

 - Key-safe application (form)

 - Your thermostatic mixing valve and its maintenance (TMV Details)

Building Key Contacts: