Revised rules for community facilities

The recent Community Association Committee meeting approved revisions to the rules for our community facilities – Station, tennis courts, Glasshouse pool and gym. We reviewed all the feedback from residents and made some changes. The revised rules can be downloaded from this page, and on the relevant section of this website.

Some provisions were established in the Community Management Statement at the beginning of the development, and can only be altered by a general meeting of the Community Association. However the rules, including opening hours, can be adjusted by the Executive Committee to meet the needs of residents.

Much of the feedback related to existing rules, and it was clear that not everyone observes the rules. They are made to maximise the use and convenience of as many residents as possible. In a community of 2500 people, we are not able to satisfy everyone. Please familiarise yourself with the rules of the facilities you use, and encourage other users to do likewise.

Rules for the Station

Rules for the tennis courts

Rules for the Glasshouse pool

Rules for the Glasshouse gym