Public Transport Progress

A recent forum at the Station updated attendees on PPPTF (Pyrmont Peninusula Public Transport Forum) progress and discussed bus issues and possible improvements with the Bus Industry Task Force representatives. More than 100 attendees were able to comment on 389 and 501 bus services, and ideas for a new service to take in Harris St, Broadway shops, Missenden Rd, Glebe and the fish market.

Everyone is urged to provide feedback on this website: have-your-say/bus-industry-taskforce.

Other results of the forum:

  • Alex Greenwich MP will ask the Star Casino to resume overnight light rail services to John St Square.
  • PPPTF has been asked by TfNSW to hold a Ferry Forum, 6.30pm, 15 November at The Station. This is your chance to tell TfNSW what you want a ferry service to provide.