Welcome to Silk, here you find information specifically related to Silk. General information is provided on the right-hand part of this page.
Strata News
There have been a number of occasions recently where items, especially lit cigarettes and water have been discarded over balconies, this has caused significant damages to items on lower levels and is also a huge safety issue.
The following rules (as per bylaws) apply to balconies within Silk:
- Smoking on Balconies is not permitted
- Nothing to be thrown over balconies
- Water and hosing of plants/balconies tiles should not impact any other resident – ie water coming over the edge of your balcony. Take care around the balustrades and edges.
Window Cleaning
Window cleaning is scheduled for 2-3 times a year. Future dates for cleans TBC and are weather dependent. Once the clean has been completed residents will be invited to provide feedback to the building manager.
Bike Audits
Bike audits are conducted from time to time for the L5 Bike room and all communal bike storage areas. During an audit, tags will be attached to all bikes in these areas. Please remove the tag attached to your bike which will identify that it belongs to a current resident. Any bikes that have a tag left on them after the audit is complete will be removed and donated to a local charity.
Audits are is necessary to ensure that the communal storage facilities do not get filled up with abandoned bikes and take up valuable space.
The next audit data is TBC.
Stay in touch
Silk Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/Silk.Community/
Jacksons Landing Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/442604759110151
Pyrmont Locals Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/PyrmontLocals/
Key Contacts
Silk Building Manager: Harrison Pearce
Mobile: 0418 464 514
After hours, please call security on 02 8565 9494
Silk Strata Manager: Matthew Hua
02 9219 4111