Strata Meetings

All owners are welcome to attend Strata Committee meetings. The chair may allow an owner to address the meeting, and may vary the order of business to enable an owner to address a particular issue.

All agendas and minutes are circulated to all owners. These documents will also be accessible through the Strata Manager’s website. You will need the user name and password from the agenda or minutes of the last AGM. This website is public, and agendas and minutes of meetings are restricted, so the documents cannot be published on this website.

The Annual General Meeting and Extraordinary General Meetings are meetings of owners, so all owners are entitled to speak on all issues.

The new Strata Legislation allows the chair some latitude in declaring a quorum. Half an hour after the scheduled beginning of a meeting, the chair may determine that those present constitute a quorum, and proceed with the meeting.

For the date and time of your next Strata Committee meeting, contact the Strata Manager on 02 8586 7822 or by email