The Jacksons Landing Estate in the Sydney harbourside suburb of Pyrmont was developed by Lendlease. It took more than a decade to convert the former CSR site at the tip of the peninsula into a new mixed-use precinct with apartments, shopping, work spaces and recreation. The first strata opened its doors in 2000 and the final construction work was completed in 2021.
The JL Estate Map is shown here.
Community Association
The Jacksons Landing Community Association (DP270215), often referred to as the CA, represents the Owners Corporations of all the residential and commercial lots (Strata Plans) in Jacksons Landing. The JL CA Structure Diagram shows the relationships within the Jacksons Landing community.
The CA is responsible for administering the Community Management Statement (CMS) which sets out by-laws for the governance of the community and the care and use of the community’s assets. (For a copy of the registered signed sealed faxed image version of the CMS click here.)
The CA is also responsible for the Architectural Standards and Landscape Standards which “have been prescribed to control and preserve the essence of the Community Scheme“. (Refer to CMS By- law 1 for further information on these standards.)
The CA contracts with a number of service providers who manage the common assets and operations of Jacksons Landing.
Some of these service providers also provide services to individual stratas. Other stratas have different service providers. Refer to the individual strata page to find your strata’s providers.
The Community Association manages the community property (the Station, the Gatehouse, the Glasshouse pool and gym, the tennis courts and this website), controls the common architectural standards, administers service contracts and assists in the smooth and efficient functioning of the whole of Jacksons Landing.
The Association Committee
The Committee consists of up to nine nominees from the stratas that make up the CA. The current members are:
Name | Position | Phone |
Mary Mortimer | Chair | 0410 679 204 |
Carol Limmer | Secretary | 0447 631 113 |
Neville Monk | Treasurer | 0408 104 037 |
Luke Holmes | Member | 0410 231 319 |
Peter Clare | Member | 0413 989 009 |
Office Bearers
The CA office bearers and their roles are:
Chair – To preside over meetings of the Community Association.
Secretary – To perform administrative or secretarial functions on behalf of the Community Association and Committee.
Treasurer – To monitor the expenditure of the Community Association and direct the budget process.
The three office-bearers are authorised to make urgent decisions between Committee meetings. The decisions must be ratified by the next Committee meeting.
Click here to download the Policy on Structure and Decision-Making in the Jacksons Landing Community Association and Subcommittees.
Strata Manager
The CA’s Strata Manager is:
Jeremy Delaney
02 9219 4162
Committee meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each second month at 7pm at the Station. All residents and owners are welcome to attend meetings as observers.
- Wednesday 12 February, 7pm – Committee Meeting
- Wednesday 9 April, 7pm – Committee Meeting
- Wednesday 11 June, 7pm – Committee Meeting
- Wednesday 13 August, 7pm – Committee Meeting
- Wednesday 8 October, 7pm – Annual General Meeting
- Wednesday 8 October, 7pm – Committee Meeting to follow AGM
- Wednesday 10 December, 7pm – Committee Meeting
CA Representatives
The CA holds at least one general meeting a year, when a representative of each strata (called a proxy) votes on CA matters on behalf of that strata. All CA proxy representatives are encouraged to attend committee meetings, speak on behalf of their strata, and report back to their strata sommittee. Proxies are also encouraged to nominate members for the CA subcommittees.
To contact the Community Association, email the CA office-bearers or the CA’s Strata Manager.
The individual strata representatives are:
Strata/Building Name | Proxy | Alternate Proxy |
Antias (SP86684) | Neville Monk | Glenn Katte |
Cadigal Terraces (SP62406) | Rhonda Dore | |
The Cooperage (SP75963) | Shahe Simonian | Rosanna Hawkins |
Distillery Hill (SP73528) | Luke Holmes | |
The Elizabeth (SP62661) | Joan Evatt | |
Escarpment (SP72677) | Tiffany Burn | |
evolve* (SP80937) | Ryan Metzner | |
Fleetview (SP65564) | Dallas Griffin | |
Knox on Bowman (SP76418) | Greg Lawler | |
McCafferys Hill (SP69581) | Wayne Shearing | |
Mount Street Walk Terraces (SP63466) | Amanda Cook | Luke Lee |
Reflections (SP68839) | Jill McKeough | |
Regatta Wharf (SP62660) | Mary Mortimer | Peter Murray |
The Rum Store (SP63595) | Mary Venner | John Menear |
Silk (SP86806) | Peter Clare | Michele Jackson |
Stonecutters (SP82306) | John Haralambides | |
Sugar Dock (SP84689) | Andrew Pickles | Carol Limmer |
Tablet House (SP73749) | Jon Howe | Rifai Rachmat |
CA Subcommittees
Most of the work of the Community Association is carried out by its three subcommittees:
Assets Subcommittee
Neville Monk (convenor), Carol Limmer, Mary Mortimer, Peter Murray, Greg Lawler, Luke Holmes, Ken Hill
Its role is to:
- Oversee the management and administration of the community facilities and assets
Report to and advise the Association Committee on:
- the care and effective functioning of the CA’s assets and their budgetary needs
- proposals regarding additional facilities and assets
- proposed changes to existing facilities and assets
- Liaise with the Management Subcommittee on matters of overlapping responsibility (via the Treasurer)
- When necessary and after consideration and agreement by the CA EC, assemble working parties of people with appropriate skills to assist it in specific aspects of its roles.
You can email the convenor here.
Finance and Services Subcommittee
Neville Monk (convenor), Amanda Cook, Peter Murray, Carol Limmer, Ken Hill
Its role is to:
- Oversee CA income and expenditure
- Report to and advise the Association Committee on financial matters
- Liaise with the Assets Subcommittee on matters of overlapping responsibility (via the Treasurer)
- Oversee the ongoing performance of principal contracted service providers (EM, DPS) and other contractors (eg Cleaning & Security) and advise the Association Committee in relation to their performance and engagement
- When necessary and after consideration and agreement by the Association Committee, assemble working parties of people with appropriate skills to assist it in specific aspects of its roles
You can email the convenor here.
IT Subcommittee
Patrick Moult (convenor), Mary Mortimer, Richard Baecher, Tim Jones, Kathy Garner
Its role is to:
- Audit and provide direction for the management of the Community Association’s IT assets
To achieve this and as an input to the CA’s annual budget, produce an annual IT plan forecasting:
- Initiatives
- Upgrades, and
- Ongoing maintenance of the CA’s IT assets
Co-ordinate and maintain the Intranet site including
- Ongoing determination of future requirements and strategic direction
- Liaise with the Assets and Management Subcommittees on matters of overlapping responsibility
- When necessary and after consideration and agreement by the Association Committee, assemble working parties of people with appropriate skills to assist it in specific aspects of its roles
You can email the convenor here.
Jacksons Landing History
Each strata page on this website contains an ‘About’ or ‘History’ section with details of the specific strata location or building site history information.
Some general Jacksons Landing historical information is also included here:
Pyrmont History
For those interested in the history of Pyrmont, from the earliest times to the present day, the Pyrmont History Group is a great place to start. The Group holds Sunday History Talks on the third Sunday of each month at The Station in Jacksons Landing.