If you cannot find what you are looking for elsewhere on this website, these FAQ may help.

No guarantee is given that the information on this page is accurate or up to date, and you should make your own enquiries before relying on any of this information. The information on this page may change at any time.

The FAQ are categorised as follows:

Where to direct your query

In general:

  • If your question relates to  your strata building, refer to the page for that strata or contact your strata committee, building manager or strata manager.
  • If your question relates to the Jacksons Landing Community Association or its services or facilities, refer to those pages or contact the RSM, Security, the CA Committee, Estate Management or the JL Strata Management.

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Complaints and issue reporting

Something need fixing?

From getting potholes filled to encouraging better parking, report issues affecting your part of the world to local councils, utilities and more.
Get the SNAP, SEND, SOLVE app for your mobile device.

Bays Precinct

Bays precinct redevelopment project: thebayssydney.com.au: 1800 664 939

Crime Reporting and anti-social behaviour

If you are the victim of a crime, you should immediately report it to the police on 02 9265 6499, and also our security officers on 02 8565 9494. The security guards cannot detain anyone, but they monitor the Estate, and it is useful for them to be aware of any incidents. For emergencies ring the police on 000. You can download detailed advice about contacting the police, and find tips and information about Crime Prevention here.

Anti-social /Criminal behaviour

      • Emergency: Police: 000
      • Information about a crime / criminal behaviour: Crime Stoppers: 1800 333 000
      • Report a crime: Police, 192 Day Street: 02 9265 6499
      • Report already-committed minor crimes, eg lost wallet: Police Assistance Line: 131 444


      • Dumped shopping trolleys: Trolley tracker: 1800 641 497
      • Waterfront bins: Property and Development NSW Email: PDNSW.Projects@dpie.nsw.gov.au.
      • Waterways Garbage: TFNSW 13 12 16 (Maritime)

For your building’s garbage collection schedule, go to your strata page.


Anywhere: City of Sydney: 02 9265 9333

Items being thrown from balconies

If you see a resident throwing an object off their balcony, you can email the strata manager with details of the building name and apartment number of the offending resident. S/he should write to the resident asking him or her not to do this


  • Around The Star: The Star: 02 9567 8723
  • From ships: Port Authority 24/7 complaints line: 02 9296 4962
  • On the street: Police: 02 9265 6499
  • Work on Glebe Island: Property NSW 1300 655 955

See also,  the NOISE section of the Security page on the Services menu.


Illegal and other: City of Sydney 1300 651 301

Public parks and/or gardens around the Estate

There are a number of land owners in the area and it can be difficult to identify an owner. The best approach is:

  • If it is park land, identify the one from the next section ‘Parks and surroundings’
  • Roadside and nature strips are most often the City of Sydney Council’s responsibility
  • If the land concerned is within the strata compound, speak to your building manager.

Public Transport

Current / potential bus routes:

Sea wall (the state of)


Various: City of Sydney: 02 9265 9333

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Local facilities

Book Exchange

There is a book exchange in the Pyrmont Community Centre in Mount Street, set up and maintained by local residents. Help yourself to as many books as you like, and return them (or pass them on to someone else) when you’ve finished with them. Donations are welcome, but – PLEASE – only fiction, biography and children. The book exchange is open whenever the community centre is. Click here for details of the centre’s opening hours and other activities.

What community facilities does Pyrmont have?

  • Pyrmont Community Centre (cnr John & Mount Streets) – a centre for many community activities and classes, after school and vacation care, a book exchange where you can borrow books freely, and a link to the City of Sydney Library Network. Please refer to the latest Pyrmont What’s On.
  • Maybanke Community Centre (Harris Street near Union Square) – basketball and tennis courts, a (small) clubhouse and access for free play for children and young people. Contact the Pyrmont Community Centre on 02 9298 3134 for more information.

Local activities

See also the What’s on and Local Activities pages.

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Maps, parks and surroundings

Jacksons Landing Maps

Jacksons Landing Village Map – Detailed

Jacksons Landing Village Map – Outline

Google Maps – Jacksons Landing

Local park details

Google Maps – parks in Pyrmont is the best place to find local parks in Pyrmont.

City of Sydney 02 9265 9333:

  • Giba Park: at the end of Point Street with great views of the Harbour Bridge and city (Off leash park)
  • Pirrama Park: along Pirrama Road at the end of the Point
  • Wentworth Park: opposite the Fish Market (Western side sometimes allows dogs off leash)


Blackwattle Bay (Infrastructure NSW) 1800 931 109

  • Bank Street Park: under the freeway at the north west end of Bank Street


Place Management NSW (CBRE) 1300 275 223

  • Cadi Park: between Regatta Wharf and Reflections (strangely not green on google maps)
  • Carmichael Park: between Distillery Drive and Quarry Master Drive
  • The Knoll: between Antias and The Quarry
  • Waterfront Park: between Reflections and evolve* (Off leash park)


Place Management NSW 02 9240 8500

  • Carmichael Park: between Distillery Drive and Quarry Master Drive
  • Jones Street Pocket Park: between Jones and Mount Streets (Near Miller Street)
  • Refinery Square: in Bowman Street adjoining the Station


Dog Owners should note:

  • Dogs must be on-leash in Pirrama Park, Cadi Park and Refinery Square.
  • Dogs are allowed off-leash in Giba Park in Point Street and Waterfront Park in Bowman Street.
  • Dogs are not allowed off-leash in or around children’s play areas, BBQ areas or other food facilities areas (eg Pirrama Park Kiosk).
  • Council rangers patrol all the parks and respond to complaints, especially in the Pirrama Park playground and Cadi Park.
  • Under the Companion Animals Act, dogs are required to be under the effective control of their owners at all times, whether they are on- or off-leash.
  • You can download a short SMH article about dogs in dog parks here, and find lots of useful information about training and caring for dogs here.

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Reporting a Fault

Something need fixing?

From getting potholes filled to encouraging better parking, report issues affecting your part of the world to local councils, utilities and more.
Get the SNAP, SEND, SOLVE app for your mobile device.

How do I report street lights out?

Ring Energy Australia on 1800 044 808, or use their online form.

How do I report street cleaning issues?

Report it on the City of Sydney website.

My internal intercom does not work?

Contact your building manager, or if out of hours, contact Security.

How do I report a light out in the common area of my building?

Contact your building manager, or if out of hours, contact Security.

We are experiencing loss of hot water/poor pressure

The thermostatic-controlled mixing valve may be faulty or there may be a problem in your building. You should contact your building manager.

My smoke alarm is beeping and needs repair

Contact your building manager to see if your alarm its managed by your strata and what to do. Otherwise, the battery (9V good quality – eg Duracell, Energizer) probably needs replacing.  Although we cannot recommend a particular tradesperson or business, you may find what you need in the Contacts page.

My tap is dripping

Replacing washers is the resident’s responsibility. If you need a licensed plumber, although we cannot recommend a particular tradesperson or business, you may find what you need in the Contacts page.

There is an odour coming out of my floor drain

Floor wastes need to be cleaned out and flushed with clean fresh water. Often you can just pour a bucket or two of water through the drain hole. If the odour persists, you should contact your building manager for advice.

What should I do if my air conditioning unit doesn’t work properly?

Air conditioners are different across the Estate; some are maintained by stratas. Contact your building manager for advice.

I have lost power to my unit. What do I do?

First remove the appliance that you were just using from the power point. Then go to the circuit board (usually in the kitchen), find the tripped breaker (it will be off), and turn it back on. If this doesn’t work, turn off all power points. Check your circuit board again and turn the switch on. Then turn on each appliance one by one. If you need an electrician, although we cannot recommend a particular tradesperson or business, you may find what you need in the Contacts page.

Can you recommend a tradesperson to work in my apartment?

Although we cannot recommend a particular tradesperson or business, you may find what you need in the Contacts page.

Report something broken

Email Estate Management, or call them on 02 8565 9400 with the details – building, the problem, and your contact details. If it is urgent and after hours, contact Security.

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Strata and CA Related

What are the rules about “short term letting” of residential apartment?

Short Term Letting in this context refers to letting your residential apartment for periods less than 3 months at a time. Legislation allows you to short term let your apartment IF it is your primary residence for at least 6 months of the year. For example, if you permanently live in your apartment and decide to go for a holiday overseas for 2 months, you can let your apartment for those 2 months (assuming you are comfortable doing that). This includes being able to use Real Estate Agents or online platforms (eg AirBNB) to advertise and secure a tenant. IF you do not live in your apartment for at least 6 months of the year you cannot let your apartment for less than 3 months.

What are common architectural standards and what do they mean for me?

Please refer to the ‘About Us’ page.

Do I need permission to keep a pet?

Residents must seek permission to keep a pet. The Community Association has authorised each strata committee to approve applications to keep pets. The process and conditions may vary slightly from strata to strata, and from time to time. Contact  your strata committee for further information.

Any animal/s kept by you must not interfere with the reasonable peace and comfort of other residents (noise, smell, cleanliness/health, intimidation, etc) or cause any damage to common property. This covers any animal, not just dogs and cats. In addition, NSW law states you are not permitted to keep a RESTRICTED dog (specific breeds), and generally an Owners’ Corporation will not let you keep a DECLARED dog (dogs that have previously been declared dangerous or menacing).

Please note that for dogs and cats:

  • NSW law requires that all dogs/cats be registered and microchipped. Contact your vet or local council or RSPCA for more information.
  • RSPCA recommends vaccinations for all dogs/cats at various ages (mainly to protect it from catching something from other dogs/cats). Contact your vet or local council or RSPCA for more information.
  • RSPCA and local council recommend dogs/cats be desexed. Contact your vet or local council or RSPCA for more information.
  • You are encouraged to keep your pets indoors when not supervised.

When on common CA property

  • Keep the animal fully supervised and under control at all times.
  • Prevent the animal from soiling any such area and/or clean up, to the satisfaction of the CA, any area soiled by the animal.
  • Do not allow the animal into any recreational facility (BBQ area, gyms, pools, tennis courts, community hall).

The Community Management Statement (CMS) has more details about keeping animals.

What are the rules if I want to build in/on my balcony?

You cannot build on your balcony without permission of both your strata plan and the Community Association. Speak to a member of your strata committee to find out what may or may not be allowed .

What is the paint colour code for my apartment?

This information is provided in the Home Owners Manual. You need to ask your strata manager or building manager.

Who cleans the apartment windows?

It is each resident’s responsibility to clean the outside of your apartment windows. Some strata committees have elected to do it for the entire strata. Check with your strata committee. Although we cannot recommend a particular tradesperson or business, you may find what you need in the Contacts page.

Can I install a storage unit in the car park?

You need the approval of your strata committee to install a storage unit on your car space. Contact your strata manager, building manager or strata committee.

Who cleans my car parking space within my building?

Keeping your parking space tidy is your responsibility. However, some stratas arrange cleaning from time to time. Contact your building manager.

What are the rules about parking in my building’s car park?

The Owners Corporation cannot take action in a private matter involving a resident’s car space. It is NOT permissible to wheel clamp cars or place stickers on car windows. If someone parks in your car space you need to take the issue to the other car owner directly. Security may place a notice on the car asking them to move, or try to identify the owner. If this problem persists, email your strata manager.

Residents may not park in visitor car spaces or anywhere on the common property of the building. Some buildings have a bollard system to ensure that only visitors use these spaces. If your building has bollards and you have a visitor needing a space, go to the Gatehouse and sign out a bollard key. This key must be returned as instructed by Security.

Residents’ Parking – Air Keys

Go to the HOME page of this website then click on “Access Keys” under “Most Popular”.

Visitor Parking

Visitor parking varies from building to building, and is never guaranteed. Check your building’s requirements on your strata page. There are limits on the time a visitor can occupy a car space. Residents are not allowed to park in visitor parking areas, and for many buildings a key must be obtained from, and returned to, the RSM or Security. The City of Sydney has recently changed its visitor parking system, and now issues a number of daily permits to eligible residents. Click here for details.

Can I fit deadlocks/peep holes in the front door of my apartment?

Contact your strata committee for advice.

Can someone let the plumber/electrician into my apartment while I’m at work?

Residents are responsible for arranging parking and access to their apartment. It is recommended that you are at home when work is being carried out. Security cannot let private contractors in or supervise their work.

Lost keys procedures

Security can give you access to your floor, but they do not hold keys for your front door. They can give you details of a locksmith – the usual wait is about an hour. They recommend that you keep a spare key in a safe place to cover such a future predicament.

Lost property

There is no provision for handing in lost property, as Resident Services Management (RSM) and security officers cannot store or manage found items. RSM can take details of valuable property you may find, but will advise you to hand it in to the police.

What are Building Management Committees (BMCs)?

These are set up to manage the shared areas between stratas, rather like the Community Association manages Jacksons Landing’s shared assets e.g. Glasshouse, Gatehouse, tennis courts, etc. and they have their own sets of by-laws.

There are four BMCs:

  • Knox, Stonecutters, Sugar Dock & Silk (KSSS) – BMC800046
  • Fleetview / Tablet House – BMC800013
  • Elizabeth / Rum Store – BMC800005
  • Escarpment / Cooperage – BMC800025

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Public Transport

  • A regular bus service (389) runs from opposite the Maritime Museum around Pyrmont Point, along Harris Street to Sussex Street, past Town Hall and through Paddington to Bondi Junction.
  • A less regular bus service (501) goes from the Fish Market up Miller Street along Harris Street to Railway Square. In the other direction, it will take you to Parramatta.
  • A ferry goes from Pyrmont Bay (opposite Star City next to the Maritime Museum) to Circular Quay.
  • The light rail runs from The Fish Market/John Street Square to Central (next to the country train platforms). In the other direction, it will take you to Dulwich Hill.

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Apartment waste can normally be broken into a few standard categories:

  • General Waste
  • Food Scraps
  • Recyclables
  • Clothing
  • E-Waste
  • Bulky Waste
  • Good stuff for redistribution to others (Pyrmont Cares)

General Waste

Most general small daily household garbage should be disposed of through the garbage room chute on each floor. Make sure the items are thoughtfully disposed of and don’t clog the chute. Larger items must be taken to the loading dock and placed in the RED LID BINS.

Food Scraps

City of Sydney has a food scraps recycling program! It’s easy to do and you’ll be helping the environment by turning your food scraps into energy and fertiliser. Council provides everything you need to take part. To learn more and get on board go to cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/foodscraps

Some stratas also have a compost bin in their garden.

Recyclables bins (Yellow Lids)

Small items can be disposed of in the recyclables bin in the bin room on each floor. Make sure the items are reasonably clean and importantly free of non-recyclable material. Please FLATTEN cardboard boxes and plastic bottles before putting them in the bin to save space.

Don’t put soft plastics, polystyrene or plastic bags in that bin.

Large items must be taken to the loading dock on and placed in the YELLOW LID BINS.

Items that can be recycled in our yellow lid bins:

  • Flattened paper and cardboard: office paper, magazines, newspapers and junk mail.
  • Green, clear and brown glass bottles and jars.
  • Juice and milk cartons.
  • All “recycle” marked hard plastic bottles and containers, but not lids, please.
  • Steel (tin) and aluminium cans and empty aerosols.

Items that cannot be recycled in the yellow bins:

  • Plastic bags or anything inside plastic bags, polystyrene (foam), bubble wrap, …
  • Takeaway coffee cups
  • Large hard plastic homewares, children’s toys etc.
  • Disposable nappies
  • Garden waste, food scraps or other organic items including dead animals
  • Syringes or medical waste, oils, ceramics, ovenware or light bulbs
  • Paint, oil or any chemicals
  • Televisions

Recyclable and non recyclable items
Here is a list of common items that can be put into the recyclables bin.

Note that this changes over time with what can be recycled and who collects the bins.

If in doubt, contact your building manager.

Bulky Waste

Bulky waste should be taken to the loading dock and placed in the space for bulky waste. Bulky waste collection will be organised by the building manager.

Mattress collection is arranged separately from other bulky waste.

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Recycling and tips

While Jacksons Landing’s 18 stratas do not currently have the capacity to have a consolidated recycling service, recycling does occur within each strata, eg cardboard, plastics, coffee pods, compostable garden waste, compostable kitchen waste etc.

Please contact your building manager to see what is available.

See also the recycling page.

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