This page lists many local groups and activities.
Some of the venues and/or dates and times are subject to change. The most up-to-date information for most of these activities is page 2 of the latest issue of the Jacksons Landing What’s On or Pyrmont What’s On.
If this information needs to be updated, please let us know. If you have any suggestions to add, please let us know.
Boot Camp
Tuesday and Thursday mornings, 6.30-7.15am in Refinery Square – Karen, Pyrmont Personal Training 0408 477 778
Coffee Hour
Come to coffee at the Zebra Lounge, 1 Harris Street, any Wednesday between 10.30 and 12noon and meet some neighbours. Make new friends and catch up with old ones. Newcomers are especially welcome. Contact Regina on 02 9518 7235, or just turn up.
Pyrmont Supports – Mondays 11am, Pirrama Park Kiosk, Libby 0404 492 444
Community Dinners
Pyrmont Community Dinner is held on the last Friday of every month. November will be at Maybanke Community Centre weather permitting. In 2025 it will be back in the Pyrmont Community Centre. It is hosted by different community groups, and everyone is welcome. Bring your own drink and a donation. Enquiries Mary 0410 679 204.
Community Run Group
Sundays 7am. Meet at Pirrama Park Kiosk. Contact Karen on 0408 477 778
Crochet for Beginners
Tues 12.30-2.30pm. Maybanke Centre, Julie 0417 203 996
Crochet Social Group
Mondays 12-3pm. Maybanke Centre. Sarah 0413 196 205
Dragon Boating
Get fitter, stronger and healthier, meet new people and have some fun. Several dragon boat clubs operate from the Bank Street waterfront, next to the abutment to the old Glebe Island Bridge. Everyone is welcome – whatever your fitness level.
ACCA Dragon Boat Racing Club, invites you to come and have a trial session with them. ACCA train Sundays 8:45 – 10:30am and Tuesday/Thursday: 6:45 -8:15pm from 1 Bank Street. For more information call Sue Durman on 0414 549 003 or come along to one of the training sessions.
The Flying Dragons Club also meets under the Anzac Bridge in Bank St. They train on Sundays 9-11am, Wednesdays 6.30-8.30pm, and also welcome new members. Email or call Lily on 0432 238 943.
Knitting Together
Do you like to knit, sew or crochet? Residents make squares to create warm wraps. Wrap With Love, an Australian volunteer organisation, sends the wraps where they are needed.
You need 8 ply wool (about 1 ball per square) and size 4mm (old 8) knitting needles. To make a 25cm square, cast on about 50 stitches (depending on your tension). Knit in any pattern except stocking stitch (garter stitch is easiest – all plain). Stripes are fine if you don’t have enough of one colour. If you don’t knit any more, but have spare wool, others will happily use it. And if you’d like to learn, we can help you with that too. We especially welcome people willing to sew up the wraps. Since 2006 we have sent off over 600 completed wraps – and perhaps we’ve saved over 600 people from dying of cold!
Ring Mary on 0410 679 204 to contribute your square(s) and/or wool, or have a chat about getting involved. We meet at the Station about every 6 weeks to put the squares together. Check Jacksons Landing What’s On for the next get-together – usually a Saturday morning from 9 to 10am at the Station.
Outdoor Body Blast with George
Wednesday 12.15-1pm Maybanke Centre 9298 3134
Outdoor Boxing Class with George
Wednesdays 6-6.45pm Maybanke Centre 9298 3134
Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays 8am-10am, 10am-12pm, Maybanke, book with
Pirrama Park Kiosk
Pirrama Park is a dog friendly area and is a great place for dog owners to catch up for a regular early morning coffee.
Pirrama Parkrun
Free, fun, and friendly weekly 5k walk, jog, run, volunteer or spectate. Saturdays at 8am, Pirrama Park:
Pyrmont Action Incorporated
Pyrmont Action is an incorporated community group formed to work with local and state governments to improve the physical and social environment of our local village:
Pyrmont Cares Incorporated
Pyrmont Cares is a group of volunteers who provide scially disadvantaged people in the City of Sydney with personal and material needs:
Pyrmont History Group
For those interested in the history of Pyrmont from the earliest times to the present day, the Pyrmont History Group is a great place to start. Contact Peter on 0450 974 848.
Pyrmont Sings!
Sing in the Harold Park Community Hall at Tramsheds in Forest Lodge every Tuesday from 6.30 to 7.45pm; then come to dinner somewhere local. You don’t have to be good, as long as you can hold a tune – just give it a go! We have choir practice with a professional choir director, and an experienced pianist. We sing at the Christmas celebration and Carols by Candlelight, and have sung at a fundraising concert at St Bede’s Catholic Church, the Pyrmont Food, Wine and Art Festival and other community events. Enquiries Mary 0410 679 204.
Pyrmont Supports
Pyrmont Supports’ members work together to provide mutual support in areas that other services in our community are unable to provide. It is helping each other within our individual capacity:
Pyrmont-Ultimo Chamber of Commerce
The Chamber of Commerce promotes and protects trade and commerce in the Pyrmont-Ultimo area, and provides networking opportunities for local businesses:
Pyrmont Ultimo Glebe Mens Shed
The shed provides a place to promote the health and well-being of older men in the Pyrmont, Ultimo and Glebe community, where men can meet each other to socialise, make friends and participate in constructive projects:
Pyrmont Ultimo Landcare Inc.
This landcare group welcomes new volunteers: every Wednesday from 8.30 to 10.30am between Jacksons Landing and the Fish Market, email Deb to find out where; every Sunday from 8.30 to 10.30am next to the Wentworth Park light rail station:
Pyrmont Walks
Bring walking shoes, hat, sunglasses, and join the Pyrmont Walking Group on Wednesdays starting at 9am: 50 minutes brisk walk then tea/coffee. Details are emailed weekly. All are welcome. Contact Sue on 0423 717 237,
Running Groups
Monday 6:00pm – Local Running Group – free, all welcome. Meet at Laneway. Call Karie on 0439 727 537.
Friday 6:30am – Run Group – all levels welcome. Meet at light rail stairs. Call Karen, Pyrmont Personal Training on 0408 477 778.
Sunday 7:00am meet at Pirrama Park Kiosk (PPK) – A free community run group for locals and friends meets every Sunday morning. This group offers motivation and the opportunity to meet other locals that share this passion. Suitable whether you have just started running or you run marathons. Everyone welcome! Call Karen 0408 477 778.
Mondays 12.45-2.45pm. Contact Elizabeth 0409 553 117
Stitching circle
Fridays 10.30am-12.30pm Maybanke Centre 9298 3134
Sydney Heritage Fleet
A community-based non-profit organisation that aims to build and maintain an internationally recognised centre of excellence in maritime heritage for Australia:
Table Tennis
Residents can book the Station to play table tennis whenever it is free. Bring your own bats and ball, collect the net from the Gatehouse, and return the table to the cupboard at the end of your session. Book with the RSM or Security.
Ukulele Group
Wednesdays 3-5pm. Free – new members welcome. Maybanke Centre 9298 3134
Wednesdays 8.30-9.30am gentle lessons for everyone. $10 per class. Zoom Helen 0407 949 073