David Hunt is an entertaining and respected historian, the author of several studies on Australian history. He will examine the background of the proposed Voice to Parliament, including the unresolved conflict of rights; Terra Nullius and its contradictions; the Frontier Wars and the assumption that ‘Aboriginals would fade away’; White Australia and its Constitution; Assimilation and the Stolen Generations; the 1967 Referendum, then fifty years of ‘Policy ‘Ping Pong’; the 2017 Uluru Statement from the Heart’ and the Productivity Commission analysis of  ‘Closing the Gap’ failures.

Presented by the Pyrmont History Group. Join us in the Jacksons Landing Station, 58 Bowman Street – 5pm on Sunday 20 August. Stay after the talk for free drinks and nibbles, and a chance to chat with David and other attendees.

For information, contact Peter 0450 974 848.