Almost everything you ever wanted to know about waste and recycling

If you have waste that is NOT garbage and NOT destined for the yellow lid recycle bins, read on.

Here are some Rs to consider: Refuse/reject, Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Repurpose, Recycle, Rot & Recover, Re-gift:

Refuse/reject: If we rank the R’s in order of impact, ‘Refuse’ is number one. If it is not needed, and/or if it is detrimental to people or planet, if we can avoid it or reject it outright, let’s just ‘give it a miss’! For example, refuse to take marketing samples you don’t actually want or need. Reject the offer of a plastic carry bag. Refuse to buy a new car just to keep up with the Joneses. Reject the idea of buying water in bottles. Rejecting the culture of consumerism is the number one way to help. Refusing to be part of the problem means you are a big part of the solution. 

Reduce: If you don’t need more than one, don’t get more than one or don’t get a new one as often. Our challenge is to reduce the volume of products that we buy (and don’t use) and similarly reduce the associated packaging. In other words, reduce what we bring into the household and reduce what we push out as waste.

Reuse: If you don’t need a new one don’t get a new one. Reuse the one you already have. Give it to someone else or donate it to a charitable organisation who will reuse it.

Repair: Have a go at fixing it it instead of trashing it. Think ‘repair’ before you think ‘rubbish’! Instead of throwing out your otherwise good shoes take them to a boot maker and have them resoled and reheeled. Find out if you have a local men’s shed who are involved in fixing and repairing a whole range of things.

Repurpose: Use something you already have for some other purpose.

Recycle: If it can be recycled, make the effort.

Rot & Recover: Compost any organics and add garden waste back to your garden. Shred or chip your prunings and use them on on your garden – it will add much needed carbon to your soil and save water. Why not hire a shredder for the day – you could share the cost with a neighbour or two!

Re-gift:  When the kids grow out of their clothes or have out grown their toys or books, hand them on to friends and family or take them to the op shop. You could even make some money while helping the environment by selling unwanted items on Gumtree or ebay.

Some tips to get you started. 100 Zero Home waste tips

City of Sydney

The city has great online resources and sources of information at 

This page is specifically for household items

This page has some great info, thoughts and ideas

And this search tool makes it even easier

At the bottom of that page you can also “Ask a waste avoidance expert instead”. eg …

Subject: Your recycling question answered – lids on bottles

… We advise residents in the City of Sydney to keep lids and labels on jars and bottles, because small items (smaller than a credit card) may get lost in the recycling process. Lids and labels will be removed during the recycling process, via magnets and in the washing, sterilising and shredding stages. If you have a steel ring pull can top that you can’t reattach, place it inside the tin and squeeze the can closed. …

Clothing Waste Recycling

Type “clothes” into the CofS search tool (The results include links and information about “closing the loop” where more and more large textile/fashion/clothing stores will take your old clothes for recycling.)

Some stratas in Jacksons Landing have arrangements for collection of these items. Contact your building manager. If you have items you specifically want to donate to a particular charity please contact them directly.

The are clothing donation bins at

  • corner of Allen St & Bulwarra Rd
  • corner of Bulwara Rd & William Henry St (behind the Ultimo Community Centre)

Even better is to resist buying new stuff. Mend the old stuff instead and use it some more.


Type “e-waste” into the CofS search tool


Electronic waste can come in many forms including computers, photocopiers, printers, faxes, monitors, batteries, and mobile phones.

Some stratas in Jacksons Landing have arrangements for collection of these items. Contact your building manager.




Type “furniture” into the CofS search tool

Other Good stuff for redistribution to others (eg via ReLove or Pyrmont Cares)

This includes furniture and whitegoods for redistribution to their clients. The furniture will be used by those who are unable to furnish properties themselves. This includes refugees, ex-homeless persons, victims of domestic violence, those leaving long term care or those released from detention.

It includes drawers, sofas, armchairs, dining tables, dining chairs, bookcases, shelves, coffee tables, entertainment units, TV stands, bedside tables, working electrical goods such as televisions, microwaves, fridges, freezers, washing machines, vacuum cleaners, fans, heaters. It does not include mattresses, beds, clothing, soft furnishings, wardrobes, office furniture or extra large sofas.

Some stratas in Jacksons Landing have arrangements for collection of these items. Contact your building manager. If you have items you specifically want to donate to a particular charity please contact them directly.

Other local recycling:

As well as the recycling bins supplied and managed by the City of Sydney, these items can be recycled locally:

Books (Fiction) can be left at the book exchange at the Pyrmont Community Centre

Books, CDs, DVDs (in good condition) and bric-a-brac can be donated to the Mustard Seed Op Shop, cnr Quarry Street and Bulwara Road, Ultimo. Open: Wednesday, Saturday, 11am to 3pm.

Crockery, cutlery, glassware – the Station at Jacksons Landing. Just leave in the kitchen.

Clean towels, small toiletries (from airplanes, hotels, etc) are of great value to homeless people via the Exodus Foundation or Wayside Chapel. Drop them in to the Mustard Seed Op Shop, cnr Quarry Street and Bulwara Road, Ultimo.

Other things: Planet Ark’s Recycling Near You

And try these

Ultimo Recycling PopUp  Ultimo recycling pop-up – City of Sydney (

DoorStep Recycling Service  Doorstep recycling service, recycle tricky items from your doorstep

Here are some websites to check for hints and tricks, recycling, reuse etc. 

Zero Waste Home – 100 tips

Mustard Seed Op Shop

Clean Up Australia


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